So far

Lagt om ett varigt och vätskande skavsår på min man.
Skickat mail till advokaten i Irland angående lägenheten i Portugal.
Upptäckt att jag måste fylla i någon "K4"-blankett till deklarationen för Securitasaktier som tvångsinlösts eller nåt.
Pratat med min bankman om vart tusan denna aktieförsäljningsförtjänst hamnat.
Pratat med syster om hur vi ska göra med lägenheten.
Pratat med Skattemyndigheten två gånger ("Ditt samtal väntar på att handläggas hos någon av våra...143 handläggare. Du har plats...229 i kön.")
Funnit fram en Publicus Notarius som tydligen kan fixa en Apostillestämpel.
Ansökt om semesterledighet.
Tackat ja till att vikareiera ännu en combat på Ullevianläggningen.
Tackat ja till att combat-teama "Last Saturday Fight" med Anna och Marcus på Almedalsanläggningen.

Just det, när jag åkte hem från Sisjön i onsdags hoppade jag högt av ljudsignal och ilsket röd blinkande lampa på instrumentpanelen. Oljelampan! Den vill man inte ha tänd, men så slocknade den ganska snart så jag vågade mig på att köra ända till Hjällbomacken där oljestickan kontrollerades. Öh, snustorr! Pytsade i en liter och fick sotsvart oljeindikering på stickan. Helst ska den ju vara relativt klar. Kollade i serviceboken och rekommenderad service var vid 18300 mil. Jag är snart uppe i 18700 tror jag, så det är nog läge att boka in en sådan. Måste dessutom byta vindruta innan besiktningen i juni eftersom sprickan som vuxit ut över synfältet aldrig lär godkännas. Tjohej.

Postat av: bpl2vor8

First you need to register an account though different wholesale providers do this differently エアマックス 1 But it was through questioning and challenging, not conforming and accepting ティンバーランド レディース Alas, that is not always the case ザ ノースフェイス ダウンベスト Teachers have every right to participate in crafting credible evaluations; we want higher expectations for our profession ノースフェイス 店舗 At this point, I became a Clean Eater ノースフェイス ダウン On shoes for men, the great transition and relaxing break in the workspace or when the crankshaft weekend, leather, Dear tasks List shine, delicate style makes it an excellent choice for n whatever dude ザノースフェイス ダウン When we have no one with which to share our euphoria, we have no one to help us sustain its momentum エアマックス 1 Bolts of cloth rest on a stool Supra 靴 It depends how heavy the emails are ザ ノースフェイス アウトレット Because if you are not drinking, it draws attention to how much they are drinking ジェレミースコット She has put up the picture of her wearing shorts, her own Climate Revolution Tshirt (which, I noticed, had a little outing on Lady Gaga recently) plus some very worrying makeup, thick black lines, which she calls 'nonSmiley face', which is apparently how she appeared at the closing ceremony レッドウィング 店舗 Plus, research has found that people who eat rice are also less likely to be overweight ジェレミースコット Who are you? What music do you like? Shall we go and have a drink? Usually the people you meet at the beginning don't remain your friends but I married him エアジョーダン 新作 At this point I will clarify that we had no complaints about the room itself, just the communal and outside areas which I will now detail timberland 店舗 And after that, another cruise down the Mekong, all the way to Vietnam カナダグース ダウンベスト Finding form and proportion in clothing is like working on a sculpture ティンバーランド スニーカー We tried calling housekeeping but could not get through and after we did, we had to wait half an hour before the towel arrived!We also complaint about the loud banging music in the hotel open restaurant late into the night but our complaint was ignored timberland スニーカー Her message is about reclaiming power in a profession depleted of it カナダグース ダウン

2014-01-21 @ 03:59:32
Postat av: gvl6iup4

"Those theological principles and moral guidelines are an expression of God's character and the best way to live ノースフェイス 店舗 He played a key role in getting landmark legislation passed in the 1980s that reorganized how the military operates and fights カナダグース 偽物 'You see, there are no seams on any of those blocks'It is amazing up close timberland アウトレット If you wear red lipstick, people think you've taken hours to put it on, but you've just gone like that カナダグース ダウンベスト " As you might imagine, arriving at your destination with a top tube snapped in two doesn't just ruin your bike, it can ruin your entire trip ジョーダン 新作 I would have no problem recommending the Barcelo to anyone who is familiar with 3 4 stars in Puerto Plata ie if you can live with slightly dated rooms, decent but not spectacular food and a GORGEOUS beach ザ ノースフェイス ダウンベスト "There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil," wrote Thoreau in Walden, "to one striking at the root timberland ブーツ I want it to feel intimate and special カナダグース レディース Chiang Rai Winery's fruit and herbal wines are a possible exception, but are not for the serious winelover 激安レッドウイング By Friday, the death toll reached hundreds of people as rescuers continued to search for injured and missing, after a huge section of an eightstory building that housed several garment factories splintered into a pile of concrete ザ ノースフェイス There is no way supra 通販 She honed every item of clothing, cutting, draping and redraping, tailoring and fitting over and over until she was satisfied カナダグース カムループス Things were never going to be easy for a girl who had a goddess for a mother ジョーダン ' But did she really feel so uncertain before? 'Very much so,' she says, twiddling a lock of her hair between her fingers 激安レッドウイング The next day as we were waiting for the bus that did not seem it was ever going to arrive and of course no help at all from the resort workers timberland 靴 In time, they will automatically protect you and consider you part of their operation in your own part of the world カナダグース ダウンベスト I am ushered to a corridor and stare into the painted cartoon features of Coco Chanel timberland 通販 I'm much better value in public ナイキエアージョーダン

2014-01-22 @ 07:39:35

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